There are a number of pros to this model, not the least of which is the solid construction and metal windlass. The ones I worked with held up well and worked even when wet, an obvious positive point. I was able to quickly crank down and stop femoral bleeds and the SOF T seemed very well suited for use on legs, possibly better than some other models.
On the cons side, it was difficult to tighten with self application. The buckle wasn't prone to rapid deployment and it was tricky getting the windlass locked with one hand and it isn't the easiest to grip wet. That might not be a big deal as long as you are not attempting self rescue but for that reason alone, it's not my favorite. I had a hard time at first meeting the time limits for my tests when attempting to apply the SOF T to my upper arms. I did manage to deploy within desired times but had better times with other tourniquets. This could be unique to me but the same tendencies were observed with other students. It got much worse with fluids.
Overall I would say you can trust it to work for sure and it's a good choice for patient transport because of the secure locking ring. Again, after a fair amount of practice I was able to use it quickly and effectively but I would prefer it not take much practice. At any rate, it's a solid piece of gear that will serve well should you need it. Effectively the differences are minor but did add up to low double digit percentile changes on speed of deployment. With exsanguination times as rapid as three minutes, thirty seconds can make difference.
Either way, it's a solid choice and in this case arguing for or against probably isn't necessary. If you encounter a SOF T on a patient don't hesitate to use it and if you like them by all means add them to your load out.